Two young girls balancing on a wavy blue rope.

Top FAQs about the accounting Pipeline Pledge

Learn about NPAG’s grassroots effort to tackle the talent shortage and attract more people to a rewarding career in accounting.

What is the Pipeline Pledge?
Everyone in the accounting profession is invited to take the pledge. Whether you’re an employer, educator, state CPA society member, or regulator, we must all work together to transform the accounting pipeline.  

How can I sign up for the Pipeline Pledge?
You can participate by filling out the Pipeline Pledge form.

What types of activities can I participate in?
While the possibilities are endless, activities could include visiting a local middle school, participating in a high school career fair, hosting a networking event for accounting majors, mentoring a CPA candidate through the licensure process, or advocating for policy changes at your workplace. To learn more about potential actions, explore our Pipeline Pledge resources.

Which badge should I use?
Once you’ve signed the Pipeline Pledge, you can download and start sharing your official badge! Pick the badge that resonates best with your current role. We recognize that many stakeholders serve multiple roles within the profession, so the badge categories are intentionally broad.

Where should I display my badge?
Badges can be used just about anywhere – including on social media, your email signature, or website. Badges should not be altered, such as editing the colors or text.

I’m not sure where to start. Where can I find resources?
Visit our Pledge Resources page for best practices, checklists, and inspiring stories. You can also find specific resources for employers and educators.

What are the Pipeline Pledge’s goals?
NPAG’s hope is that the pledge will mobilize the profession to inspire the next generation of accountants and boost retention of current talent. Areas of focus include:

  • Amplify existing outreach programs for K-12 and college students
  • Tell a more compelling story about the flexibility of accounting careers
  • Implement business solutions identified in NPAG’s strategy report, such as compensation studies and manageable workloads
  • Provide pledge participants with resources, outreach materials, and how-to guides

How will you track the program’s success?
In the short term, the Pipeline Pledge’s success will be measured by tracking the number of participants and, where possible, activities and students reached. A national campaign promoting the pledge in 2025 could help volunteers coalesce around specific goals, timed events, and data-driven messages, while building awareness among a wider audience.