Man and woman moving a teal block, atop several rows of blocks.

8 ways educators can boost accounting talent and retention

Accounting can open doors to limitless career paths across every industry. However, both public and private sector employers continue to struggle with attracting and retaining talent. In part, this trend is linked to an overall decline in college enrollment, rising education costs, and shifting expectations regarding work culture and starting salaries.

To help propel accounting education forward, the National Pipeline Advisory Group (NPAG) developed several recommendations, outlined in the Accounting Educator Checklist. The academic community and the American Accounting Association (AAA) are leading or supporting many efforts in these areas, and NPAG believes that work is critical for the profession’s future.

Key recommendations relate to:

  • Impactful messages
  • Teaching techniques
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Licensure support
  • Principles courses
  • Pipeline Pledge

Educators can also leverage helpful resources from accounting bodies and firms:

To learn more about accounting pipeline data and solutions, read NPAG’s strategy report.